The Freedom Declaration for Peace

The Freedom Declaration defines a new post-everything society for a new generation of global citizens ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity for all

Date added: January 01, 2024
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The Freedom Declaration for Peace

When you strip away all that divides us - class, race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, ideology and dogma -we are left with the essence of what it means to be human through our desire for freedom, our yearning for peace and our dream of prosperity for all.

Affirming this shared human experience is the starting point for the next major leap in human progress that builds on the wisdom of the past.

It represents the next phase of human progress that started with primitivism and superstition, enlightened through modernism, darkened through postmodernism almost to the point of extinction and re-awakened through a common vision.

It represents a new era of peace. This is the era of the shalom, salaam and the ohm shanti becoming more than hopeful greetings but a new reality, championed by a new generation of peacemakers affirming what we have always known but have neglected and forgotten.


1. We affirm that all human progress is the result of individuals cooperating freely and voluntarily for mutual benefit based on trust, underpinned by the four essential freedoms including: freedom of belief; freedom of expression; freedom of association and freedom to protest.

2. This cooperation cannot be coerced, enforced or directed because this requires the exercise of power. The reason why socialism, communism, fascism and other isms where power is concentrated have failed and will always fail is because “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This leads to the breakdown of trust requiring increasing levels of force to maintain civil society until tyranny emerges and society collapses on a mountain of bones.

3. Over millennia of civilization we learned that certain behaviors build trust while others destroy trust. We refined the positive behaviors into moral values which we enshrined in our religions and belief systems labeling them as virtues and their opposites as vices.

4. This is the reason why we value and encourage love, loyalty, humility, honesty, generosity, compassion, kindness, decency, forgiveness and selflessness while rejecting and discouraging their opposites – hate, treachery, vanity, dishonesty, greed, callousness, depravity, resentment and selfishness. The former build trust, while the latter destroy trust and hence undermine our ability to cooperate for mutual benefit.

5. There is nothing relative about how the vices impact on our ability to cooperate based on trust. They are socially corrosive and personally destructive and this exposes the poison of postmodern liberalism - a disastrous social experiment that posits that since morals are relative, a universal moral standard is impossible, giving birth to the permissive society where vices are often celebrated rather than avoided. The result is nothing short of a woke crime against humanity.

6. We instill the virtues through a process of socialization that starts with parenting, continues through schooling and then reinforced through personal experience in adulthood.

7. This is why the family unit should always be considered as sacrosanct with full and unencumbered parental rights. It is the nucleus of civilization and the primary building block of civil society.

8. Once the lessons are learned and internalized, they open the way to making better decisions and better life choices by expanding our awareness beyond the needs of the self and self-gratification, to include others through love, compassion and empathy.

9. The experience of living by the virtues while avoiding the vices - the moral life - was so profound that our ancestors concluded its origins must not be earthly but other-worldly; something linked to the eternal and unchanging  as expressed by the all-encompassing term: God.

10. The moral life is the pathway to enlightened freedom through self-mastery, lasting happiness through self-reflection and empathy, resulting in a sense of peace at the deepest levels of the human psyche we call the soul. 

11. Once peace is achieved it opens the door to living beyond the intellectual ideas of right and wrong, guided, instead, by an internal moral compass we call the conscience.

12. Peace awakens a new consciousness not just beyond the self but beyond time and even space as expressed in the biblical phrase: "the kingdom of god is within you", which is echoed in every great religion and resonates in every great belief system.

13. The solution to almost every social problem resulting from poor conduct is not bureaucrats dictating and directing behaviour, but rather improving human decision-making at both the personal and collective level, through a healthy socialization process, underpinned by open, peer-to-peer reputation management. 

14. The solution to antisocial behaviour is not bureaucrats controlling and regulating how we think, what we write or what we say, but rather a self-regulating society guided by feedback mechanisms and peer-to-peer reputation management that can be trusted.

15. The solution to corruption at all levels of society is not just bureaucratic oversight, which is too easily thwarted, but bureaucratic oversight supplemented by a process which ensures that only socially mature individuals are appointed to positions of influence and power as determined by community feedback.

16. The solution to social problems like inequality, injustice, prejudice and racism are not theories that divide society based on group identity that encourage hate and intolerance, but rather fostering empathy and humility through a socialization process based on the idea of a moral life.

17. Our ability to cooperate is represented by economic power which finds expression in the flow of financial capital in the free market economy, working towards the common good.

18. The definition of the common good should be extended beyond profit generation to include social capital in all its forms, ensuring that capital flows to areas of greatest social value as well as to areas of greatest financial profit.

19. To ensure greater fairness, economic power, rather than residing in the hands of the few, should be democratized to better suit the needs of the post-industrial society.

20. We now have the technology to expand and strengthen liberal democracy beyond national borders to help make better decisions in the interest of all people, not just in the interest of nation states.

21. The future is not governments redistributing wealth through taxation, but rather a self-managing society where people help themselves and help others directly through an economic model that puts people first.

22. The future is not big taxing, big spending and big footprint government but rather the exact opposite. Small footprint government that understands how a technology-empowered, peer-to-peer society in a free market economy can enable more people to live meaningful lives in peace, prosperity and the greatest freedom.

23. The future is not about humans competing with robots for jobs. The future is about utilizing robots to end the need to work for a living with new ways of sharing, cooperating and participating in global prosperity.

24. The future is not about the elites using their power and influence to shape the world in their own image. The future lies in rejecting the idea that freedom must be subordinated to suit the goals and ambitions of the rich and powerful.

25. We are not just vehicles for profit-making. We don’t always act rationally in our own self-interest. In fact, it is when we forsake our self-interest that we become truly human, through self-mastery become truly free and through freedom become truly happy and at peace within ourselves, with our neighbors and with the eternal and the unchanging.


The American Declaration of Independence was the product of a small group of great minds, defining a nation and the American identity unilaterally.

In contrast, the Freedom Declaration for Peace can be the product of the collaboration of potentially millions of minds connected by the Internet.

As such, this is a work-in-progress and will evolve through feedback and discussion. 


Project Open Democracy is set to revitalize democracy by giving people an opportunity to vote for representatives based not on catchy slogans and promises that are quietly shelved once the election is over, but on a common vision that charts a path forward into the 21st century and beyond.


Human civilization has been colonized by an alien philosophy called postmodernism - a philosophy of despair and nihilism that should never have escaped the confines of student politics but is now holding humanity back from the next major leap in progress.

It is time bring this colonization to an end, as the starting point for a new type of society and economy that is more just and more fair than at anytime in history.


Australians voted No! to the Voice referendum and attempts to introduce it by stealth by the States are failing miserably. Yet there is a solution to the real problems of the indigenous community as outlined in After No! What comes next?


For additional background reading please see the founding essay entitled: Towards a grand narrative for the post-everything society

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