Media Release April, 2022

PByT Network Set to Revitalize Democracy, Starting in Australia

Revitalizing Democracy

A revitalized democracy will lead to inclusive, responsible and truly accountable government and a more fair and more just global economy and society. As such, it signals the beginning of a major turning point in human history through systemic change.

Sydney, Australia – PByT, a new online service, is launching the Powered by Trust Network to help heal the social and political divisions, rebuild the common ground and restore trust. It will expose fake news and disinformation, correct misinformation and introduce a new way of organizing society based on verifiable and analyzable feedback that will trigger systemic change on a global scale.

The PByT introduces the concept of hybrid fact-check which provides the mechanism to both collect, analyze and present human feedback in an efficient and accessible way using artificial intelligence and mathematical concepts like Bayesian analysis.

The essence of the PByT service is the ability to incorporate the opinions, expertise and general common sense of potentially millions of people on any topic, issue or question to arrive at an optimal solution, answer or result.

This means that everyone can have a say on any topic, issue or question and their viewpoint will be taken into consideration. This is in stark contrast to the censoring, deplatforming, expelling and silencing of people, often for nothing more than having a contrary opinion.

The attempt to silence people has fed into conspiracy theories, provided opportunities for extremists to recruit through misinformation and propaganda and has forced people onto the streets in protest.

This is a volatile mix that is resulting in outbursts of anger, death threats, street violence and mayhem, driven by a sense of alienation and a loss of trust in the public institutions.

The PByT network offers a way to diffuse the situation by providing a trusted source of information to counter "fake news", disinformation, misinformation and propaganda. This will heal the divisions and restore trust by rebuilding the common ground.

The PByT network will also revitalize democracy by giving people an opportunity to vote for political representatives who understand that technology now empowers people to have a greater say in how they are governed, not just at election time but on ongoing, issue-by-issue basis grounded in the idea of a common vision.

Empowering people to have a greater say in how they are governed will limit the ability of powerful lobby groups and wealthy individuals in undermining democracy and democratic processes to suit their political, social and economic agendas.

A revitalized democracy will lead to inclusive, responsible and truly accountable government and a more fair and more just global economy and society. As such, it signals the beginning of a major turning point in human history through systemic change, starting in Australia.


Hi-res images of the founder of PByT George Matafonov

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