Give Feedback to Beat Cancer Campaign
Cancer Research
Check out some of the questions relating to cancer by typing "cancer" in the search box and start contributing to the cancer research database by joining PByT and adding your feedback.
Sydney, Australia – Online service PByT, which stands for powered by trust, is launching the Give Feedback to Beat Cancer campaign designed to revolutionize cancer treatment in two key ways. Firstly, through better information provision utilizing AI and, secondly, through a new cancer research funding model based on expanding business social responsibility to include the funding of the nonprofit sector. Better information can help relieve the stress of making often life-altering decisions following a cancer diagnosis and the new funding model will deliver potentially billions of dollars into cancer research beyond donations, philanthropy and government grants.
A key component of this fight is creating a cancer database for AI utilization.
The cancer database will consist of key questions relating to treatment, prevention and other relevant matters, added by members seeking feedback.
The feedback can be likened to a plebiscite on any question, except that it is open-ended with no end date. Anyone can join and provide feedback at any time and those who change their minds can also vote reflecting their changed viewpoint or new insight.
In short, it will create an ongoing feedback response reflecting the most up-to-date experience and understanding. This will provide AI not only a comprehensive database ideal for analysis but also a database which is continuously updated through live and ongoing interaction.
For the newly diagnosed cancer patients this will provide an immediate resource where they can find answers to their most pressing questions thus avoiding the stress of wading through online forums, reading research reports and other resources which can be confusing, contradictory and very often misleading.
The feedback process will empower cancer patients to become active participants in the process rather than be treated as passive recipients of diagnoses and treatments, including providing feedback on the quality of care and professionalism of their medical providers.
As the feedback grows, the analyzable nature of the feedback will encourage the mass media to start reporting the results, prompting more people to join the campaign.
The more people join, the more the corporate sector will notice the opportunity for competitive advantage and brand positioning and will begin supporting the campaign, which includes expanding business social responsibility to include the funding of the nonprofit sector.
As a result, potentially billions of dollars will start flowing through the PByT Social Capital Fund to areas of greatest social need, including funding cancer research beyond donations, philanthropy and government grants representing a paradigm shift in fund raising.
Paradigm Shift in Fund Raising
At the moment there are literally thousands of nonprofits and charities vying for donations and government grants. The competition can be intense and it is not unusual for organizations to expend upward to as high as 50% of their donation dollars on administration and donation procurement.
Worse still, is how some charities and nonprofits rely on gambling as their main source of income through lotteries and competitions. This is both remarkable and disturbing, given Australia's addiction to gambling:
"The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare state that in Australia about $25 billion was lost on legal forms of gambling in 2018-19. Harm from gambling is not only about losing money or financial problems, gambling harm can also include: health problems including emotional, psychological distress or physical issues."
According to a paper published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, relying on gambling for funding raises a lot of ethical questions, not the least of which is promoting gambling by linking it to a good cause.
Turning a blind eye to the harm is understandable when there are few, if any alternatives.
There is a better way. And all it would take is for these organizations to band together in support the idea of a Social Capital Fund as the new funding model for charities and nonprofits.
While in the short term this new funding model will complement rather than displace traditional forms of fund raising, it will increasingly play a greater role as the idea of a Social Capital Fund gains traction, bringing to an end the reliance on donations, grants and gambling.
Cancer Research
Check out some of the questions relating to cancer by typing "cancer" in the search box and start contributing to the cancer research database by joining PByT and adding your feedback.
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